OpenPlant Support Engineering Help

Select By Tags Dialog

Used to specify criteria based on tag values. If selection criteria based on tag values are specified, elements that do not have attached tags with the specified tag name(s) will not be selected, located, or displayed. Opens when the Tags button is clicked in the Select By Attributes dialog.

Tag Sets the tag name for a new criterion.
Operator Sets the relationship between the Tag and the Expression in a new criterion.
Expression Sets the tag value for a new criterion.
Insert Inserts the criterion specified by Tag, Operator, and Expression in the Criteria list box.
Criteria Lists specified criteria and shows exclusivity between criteria. To delete a criterion or to change the exclusivity between a criterion and the next listed criterion, you must first select it.
Delete Deletes the criterion selected in the Criteria list box.
And Makes the criterion selected in the Criteria list box mutually exclusive to the next listed criterion.
Or Makes the criterion selected in the Criteria list box not mutually exclusive to the next listed criterion.